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Jacobson, Alan False Accusations ISBN 13: 9780615539584

False Accusations - Softcover

9780615539584: False Accusations
Dr. Phillip Madison has everything: wealth, power, and an impeccable reputation. But in the pre-dawn hours of a quiet California suburb, the revered orthopedic surgeon is charged with double homicide—a cold blooded hit-and-run that has left an innocent young couple dead. Blood evidence has brought the police to his door. An eyewitness has placed him at the crime scene...and Madison has no alibi. With his family torn apart, his career forever damaged, no way to prove his innocence and facing life in prison, Madison hires an investigator to find the person who has engineered the case against him. False Accusations is a psychological thriller that instantly became a National Bestseller and launched Alan Jacobson’s career, a novel that spurred CNN to call him, “One of the brightest stars in the publishing industry.”

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author:
Alan Jacobson’s literary career has been marked by a number of events, but none more significant than an accidental meeting 20 years ago. While researching False Accusations at the Department of Justice’s crime lab, he met FBI agent Mark Safarik, who was awaiting promotion to the FBI Behavioral Analysis (profiling) Unit—the one popularized by TV’s Criminal Minds. They hit it off, stayed in touch, and Agent Safarik invited him out to Quantico to tour the FBI Academy and profiling unit. Thus began Alan’s immersion in the world of serial killers, rapists, bombers and arsonists. Seven years later, after numerous trips to the BAU, countless hours of conversations with Agent Safarik and his partner, editing four published FBI research papers on serial offenders and attending numerous FBI training courses, shooting submachine guns under the direction of the Academy’s head firearms instructor, and parsing serial killer interviews with Agent Safarik, Alan felt that I owned the material enough to write his third novel, the first featuring FBI Profiler Karen Vail. Vail had an explosive debut in the national bestseller The 7th Victim. Sporting a vibrant personality oozing sharp wit and sarcasm, Vail is a woman bucking the odds in a male unit, someone who means well, but makes mistakes. Vail has resonated with hundreds of thousands of readers because she’s real. She has fears, loves, vulnerabilities—and, despite being very good at what she does, suffers perpetual unease about the decisions she makes. Lives are on the line. Errors prove costly. But real law enforcement officers have called Karen Vail a cop you’d “go through a door with”—a term used to describe a colleague you’d trust your life to when bullets are flying. Vail has directed the action in The 7th Victim, Crush, Velocity, Inmate 1577, and the short story Fatal Twist—which are set in exotic locales from Alcatraz to the Napa Valley, Las Vegas and San Diego to Washington DC. Alan’s years of law enforcement training and research have influenced him personally and professionally and have helped shape the stories he tells and the diverse characters that he creates. So sit back, crack the spine—or click that button—and immerse yourself in the gripping (and addictive) world of Karen Vail. Be sure to pick up your free personal safety booklet (co-authored with FBI profiler Mark Safarik) at While there, be social and follow Alan on Facebook and Twitter.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.:


11:26 P.M.

The dark blue car snaked around the curve, its headlights slicing like razors through the dead air. It slithered through the neighborhood, hunting for food, sniffing out its prey. With one punch, the large engine muscled up from thirty-five to sixty in less than three seconds, its hunger for speed ravenous.

The man crossing the street caught a glimpse of the looming vehicle and twisted backward, shoving his companion toward the sidewalk --

But there wasn't time.

The car's bone-crushing impact threw the woman onto its hood, then tossed her aside...while the engine yanked the man underneath its front end, swallowing him whole.

The dark vehicle lurched slightly as its tire ran over the fallen prey. It then sped off down the street, hung a sharp left, and slipped into the pitch of night.

11:59 P.M.

The man's torso was twisted, his head a bloody mess, with bits of brain tissue scattered around his crushed skull. The woman's body was much more intact, having slid off the side of the car's hood after being thrown up into the air by the initial impact. Her legs appeared to be broken and were bent into an unnatural position, the way a rag doll sometimes lands when a child tosses it aside after she has finished playing with it.

Most of the available officers in the City of Sacramento that night had been diverted to the minority neighborhood of Del Morro Heights to contain an escalating battle sparked by a broad crackdown on gang-related activities. When the call came in to investigate the discovery of a possible hit-and-run several blocks away, the two officers who responded anticipated more of the same, an offshoot of the hostilities.

But they were wrong.

Officer Larry Sanford slammed his car door and ran over to the woman, who was lying faceup in the street; the other victim was obviously deceased. Both were black, he noticed. Sanford pulled a hand out of his leather glove and felt her neck for a pulse. "Shit," he said, the vapor that emanated from his mouth tailing off into the cold night air. He looked up and down the street, but saw no one. He glanced over to his partner and shook his head.

"Dispatch, this is Unit Nine," the other officer said. "We've got a Code Twenty on San Domingo Street. Notify homicide. Securing crime scene."

"Roger, Unit Nine."

"She's still warm," Sanford said. "Let's get this area secured." Using a roll of yellow warning tape, he established the boundaries of the crime scene while his partner blocked off the street and its adjoining arteries with traffic cones. Although out of the academy only six months, they both knew the routine: quick response, safeguard and preserve. That is, secure the crime scene to protect all materials in the vicinity because everything was considered evidence until proven otherwise. No one -- not even another police officer -- was to enter the crime scene until the detectives arrived. One of the most significant threats to a homicide investigation was the disruption of physical evidence: nothing in the scene was to be disturbed, moved, stepped on, or contaminated in any manner.

With the thermometer at 33 degrees, Sanford rolled up the fur collar on his standard-issue blue nylon jacket and shoved his hands into his pockets. He sucked a mouthful of damp air into his lungs: rain was on the way. He sent his partner back to the gang-related conflict while he stood watch over the crime scene.

In his boxing days, Detective Bill Jennings had a flat, rock hard gut. Some thirty years later, the musculature was stretched thin by the ravages of abuse, resulting in a bulging beer belly. Nevertheless, he carried his weight well and never hesitated to throw it around, both literally and figuratively...sometimes for the better, and sometimes for the worse.

By the time Jennings arrived at San Domingo Street, his partner, Angela Moreno, was already there surveying the scene. Moreno, thirty-five years old with short-clipped brown hair, nodded at Jennings as he approached.

"Long time no see," he said.

"Yeah, what, three hours?"

"What've we got here?" he asked as they walked over to the two bodies.

"Looks like a hit-and-run. Got two of 'em," she said, kneeling down in front of one of the victims. "And we've got some broken glass. A headlight," she said, turning over a large fragment and looking through it.

"Don't touch it," Jennings said, grasping her arm. "Saperstein should be here in a few minutes."

"You called Saperstein again?"

"He was the one on call."

"You haven't even looked over the scene. It's just a hit-and-run. We don't need a criminalist poking his nose all over the damn street to tell us what we already know."

"The man single-handedly saved my career, Angela."

Moreno waved a hand. "I read the reports, Bill. It was a clean shoot."

"Of course it was. But a white cop had just shot and killed a black kid. The media had a juicy story and took it for a ride. And with the election and all, I was a fucking political hot potato...people were tossing me around like I had the plague or something." Jennings shook his head. "I was guilty before the body was cold. Everyone bailed out on me except Saperstein."

"I heard all about it. Don't you think I checked you out before I took this assignment?"

"You never told me that," he said. "You checked me out?"

"I vaguely remembered reading something in the paper about it. Then my Vice partner started getting on my case, telling me I should look into it." She placed the glass fragment back where she had found it. "The comments you'd made back in eighty-seven with Stockton PD didn't help any."

"Yeah, well those were taken out of context -- "

"You don't have to explain," Moreno said. "I checked into it."

Jennings stood up, his five-nine frame putting him eye-to-eye with his partner. "When Saperstein took the stand and started explaining that the shoot happened the way I said it did, I felt vindicated. He had all these formulas that showed I was standing where I said I was, and that the perp had turned to fire on me." He pulled a pair of crumpled leather gloves from his pocket and struggled to insert his pudgy fingers. "Without Saperstein's analysis of the physical evidence, those accusations would still be hanging over my head. So don't give me shit about using a criminalist. I'm gonna use one anytime I can. And if you're smart, when you're primary, you will too."

"But this just looks like a simple hit-and-run," Moreno said.

"I don't care. What it looks like and what it turns out to be may be two different things. I'm not taking any chances."

With the assistance of several other officers who had just arrived on the scene, they quickly canvassed the surrounding blocks to try to ascertain if anyone had seen or heard anything relative to the murders. Thirty minutes had passed when a car drove up to the yellow police tape half a block away. Out stepped a man in his mid-forties, his hair an uncombed mess, his suit coat creased and covering a severely wrinkled shirt.

Stuart Saperstein exchanged pleasantries with Jennings and received a cold reception from Moreno, who was apparently silently protesting his need to be there. No doubt sensing the tension, the criminalist excused himself and began the task of documenting the scene by arranging a handful of halogen floodlights a short distance from the bodies.

He opened his field kit and within a couple of minutes was on his hands and knees, examining each of the bodies. He measured distances and calculated angles, dictating his findings into a microcassette recorder. Steam was rising off the hot floodlights against the cold, damp December air.

Squinting at the ruler through his reading glasses, he motioned for the identification technician who had just arrived to photograph and document the scene. "As soon as I mark this, let's get a series of shots. When you take the midrange shot, I want to be in it."

"You're so vain," Jennings said, leaning over his shoulder.

"It helps for the jury to see me at the crime scene examining the physical evidence. It gives me an advantage over the defense's expert -- "

"I know, I know. Just giving you shit."

Moreno shook her head and walked off down the block in the direction of an officer who was approaching with a man at his side.

Saperstein stood up and faced Jennings. He tilted his head back and looked at the detective through his reading glasses, which were resting on the tip of his bulbous nose. "You look like shit."

"Thanks. So do you."

Saperstein smiled. "Yeah, but I always do." He motioned to Moreno, who was nearing the officer down the block. "She doesn't like me."

"Nothing personal. She just didn't think a criminalist was needed here."

"She's new to Homicide, huh?"

"Transferred in from Vice three months ago."

"Well, I guess I'll have to prove her wrong. Teach her a lesson." Saperstein bent down to measure again. He was a perfectionist, and with good cause: when there were no obvious suspects, homicide detectives often relied heavily on the criminalist's interpretation of the scene. If he could accurately ascertain what had happened, he could then surmise why it happened -- which could help determine the sequence and mode of death, the victim's position at the time of the deadly blow, or how many shots were fired in a gun-related homicide. Often, the physical evidence the criminalist gathered at the crime scene was enough to narrow the field of suspects, help locate the perpetrator, or obtain a confession from him.

Jennings looked up and saw that Moreno was talking to the man the officer had brought over: a witness. As he made his way toward his partner, he rubbed his gloved hands together to bring blood and warmth to his numb fingertips.

"What do we got?" he asked as she flipped her notepad closed.

Moreno nodded at the man to her left. "This is Clarence Hollowes. Says he heard a big bang around eleven-thirty, ran out into the street, and saw a car leaving the scene."

"I don't want to get involved with no po-leece," Hollowes said, jawing on a piece of gum. He was dressed in clothing that was even more wrinkled than Saperstein's. He was unshaven and his hair was peppered with gray.

"Is that right," Jennings said. "Why not? Got something to hide?"

"Po-leece mean trouble. That's just the way it is. You get involved, you get in trouble."

"We're not going to cause you any trouble, are we, detective?" Jennings glanced at Moreno, who frowned at him. More fallout from having called Saperstein. He turned back to his witness. "What can you tell me about the car?"

"Well, as I was telling this lady here, it was dark colored. A fancy one, real shiny, kind of like a Mercedes."

"Was it like a Mercedes, or was it a Mercedes?"

"I'm not an expert or nothing on fancy cars, but it was a Mercedes. I'm pretty sure."

"He got a partial plate," Moreno said.

"Oh. You saw the license plate, sir?"

"Yeah, like I told her, I saw two numbers. A two and a C."

"Did you get a look at the driver?"

"Looked like a white guy. Wearing a baseball hat."

"Did you see a logo or anything on the hat?" Jennings asked. He hesitated a moment. "Maybe there was something on it, I don't remember."

"What'd the driver look like?"

"You know, a white guy."

"Old or young?"



"Uh, no beard, I don't think."

"Any distinguishing marks?"

"Just a white guy. Didn't see his face. Drove by me real fast."

"Did you see what color hair he had?"

Hollowes shrugged. "Nah, too dark. Too fast."

"What about the car? Any dents, broken lights or windows?"

"Man, I don't know. It happened fast, you see? Bang, boom, I ran over and saw the car leaving. Then I saw them bodies in the street."

"I'm gonna give you my card," Jennings said as he pulled a wallet out of his jacket pocket. "Call me if the car comes by here again, or if any of your friends say they saw something, okay?" He looked at Moreno. "You got his address?"

"Ain't got no address," Hollowes said.

Jennings had already guessed the man was homeless -- which made him very grateful for the information he had provided. In his experience, the homeless tried not to get involved, preferring to function outside of society.

"In that case," Jennings said, "call us collect."

Hollowes took the card and studied it.

"Oh," Jennings said. "One last thing. Did you touch the bodies?"

"Touch them?" he asked, looking down at the ground. "Now why would I do something like that?"

"You know, to get some change, a buck or two for food."

"I just took the cash, that's all. Gotta eat, you know?"

"Did you take anything else? It's important that we know," Jennings said.

"You see? Talk to the po-leece, get in trouble."

"No trouble, Mr. Hollowes. We're not gonna arrest you. It's just that we have to know if you took a wallet, or anything like that. We'd need the identification to tell us who these people are."

"No. Just the money. There was eight bucks in his wallet, twelve in hers. They were dead. They ain't gonna miss it."

"Did you move the bodies in any way?"

"No. I didn't touch no dead bodies. Just took their money."

Jennings nodded. "Thanks again for your help. We'll be in touch."

"They good people," Hollowes said.

"Who are?" Moreno asked.

"Them," Hollowes said, nodding at the bodies.

"You know who they are?"

"Can't remember their names. They help us get a place to stay on nights like this when the cold go way down to your bones."

"You mean they did this for the homeless, like it was their job?" Moreno asked.

Hollowes nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"Is there anyone who'd want to hurt them?" Jennings asked.

"None of us, that much I can tell you. They been good to us."

Moreno nodded. "If there's anything else you think of, please give us a call."

Hollowes turned to walk away. "Them rich people think they can flash them fancy cars in our neighborhood..." he said as he walked off out of range of the streetlight's glow and into the shadows of a nearby tree.

"I was wondering the same thing," Jennings said to Moreno. "What the hell is a white guy doing driving a Mercedes in Del Morro Heights at eleven-thirty at night?"

"Taking a shortcut?"

"A shortcut on life, you mean. The guy's lucky they didn't catch him."


"The neighbors," Jennings said as they walked back toward Saperstein. "It would've made our job easier."

"How so? We'd have three murders to write up." They exchanged a smile as Jennings fastened the top button of his overcoat.

"You know, this could've been personal," Jennings said. "Something related to their work with the homeless."

Moreno nodded. "Possibly."

"Detective!" yelled an officer who was jogging down t...

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherEB Thor
  • Publication date2011
  • ISBN 10 0615539580
  • ISBN 13 9780615539584
  • BindingPaperback
  • Number of pages450
  • Rating

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Jacobson, Alan
Published by EB Thor (2011)
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Jacobson, Alan
Published by EB Thor (2011)
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Jacobson, Alan
Published by EB Thor (2011)
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Alan Jacobson
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Jacobson, Alan
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